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Rahel Tafese
I am honored to be the Leader of this organization. We believe and supporting the most vulnerable members of the society in the areas of economics, housing, health, and basic human needs in members of the Children of Abraham community in Ethiopia. I am proud to be part of this organization that helps Ethiopian Abraham community, I hope that you will join us in this endeavor.
SCACA is one of Non-government organization in Ethiopia, We are dedicated to that provide support for Orphan and Vulnerable children and their family related to Education, health, environment and economic problems in order to enable them a fulfilled and economically sustainable community. And also, we are committed to reducing the amount of children who are not going to School and providing them shelter and they are going to have family and friends in the organization.
This Sponsorship activity is the back bone of all project activities and also the fund used for the other activities is based on successful of the sponsorship program. I strongly believe that it’s our duty and responsibility to give back to the society in which we live; in return of the many things we avail from it in our day-to day lives. SCACA as organization stems from this root belief. I, Rahel and my team’s quest to serve the strength to work with full dedication, sincerity and honesty. We dream to see a brighter Abraham community in Ethiopian with this our little initiative and we know that our dreams will be fruitful very soon, as we are not alone. The backbone of SCACA organization is its Sponsors, Volunteers and all supporters and well-wishers who have helped SCACA Organization in many different ways.
We need your help to protect children of Abraham community. Please consider coming by for a tour of our facility and follow our works by social media and learn how you can helping us.

Message from the Founders
Save the Children of Abraham Charity Association was founded on May 17, 2010. As the name implies, the purpose of the organization was to rescue Abraham’s descendants, or descendants of Israeli. This is a charity founded by the children of the Abraham community in Ethiopia, who have little access to education and many who do not go to school.
I was the founder and first manager of this organization. My main goal at the time was to establish this association and to meet the basic needs of this association. It was also about running the organization according to its intended purpose and goal.
When I started this organization, I was greatly helped by Pastor Yemane, who was the pastor of Bet-Abraham Messianic Congregation. Perhaps without his good and honest cooperation, the organization could not have become legal. Because I have been able to keep this charitable organization legal by providing an office in this faith institution, budgeting for various expenses, including paperwork, in the process of legalizing it.
Although there were many founding members and individuals who were involved in the legal establishment of this organization at the time, I cannot name all of them now, as it is difficult for me to list each one. In all, there were about eighteen or more members. The list of members of the Bet-Abraham Messianic Congregation, whom we called at the time, is on the record, as the number of members had to be met at the beginning of this process.
I served in this charity for three years, starting from May 17, 2010, up to the end of 2013. During these years, we were so moved by the idea that all children should go to school; that we first assessed the situation of the children and their parents and recruited four children to attend school. In a very fast pace, we recruited fifteen children and got into a lot of works.
We provided four types of regular assistance to these students. Our provision includes rice, flour, sugar and soap. I also remember that we used to help around 225 birr per child to cover the various expenses of the students. Another service was to pay teachers and provide tutoring for the students. We were motivated by the fact that there were many reasons why students in the kechene area could not continue their education, so that they would not drop out of school and get into unnecessary living. Not only the students of Save the Children of Abraham Charity Association who participated in this tutorial program, but also students from the local community attended. As a result, a great love of learning has been instilled in students’ psychology.
The biggest challenge we faced at the time was the disagreement with our donors. Often, those who wanted to donate to the NGO did not want to donate money directly to our organization, but wanted the church to pass it on to us in advance. This was because they thought that the office system in NGO was a bit complicated. This was a major challenge for us to keep up with our work.
Finally, I know that the Save the Children of Abraham Charity Association is now in good shape. Next to me was our brother Solomon. Next to us is our sister Rachel. I know the charity is still doing well. But my message is that there is a community that is affected by education problem, especially in kechene and its environs, in the scattered Israeli community in Ethiopia. Because its purpose is to ensure that children are free to pursue their education without any psychological harm and that they benefit the family, the community, the country, and even the world.